Hair Extensions 101: Quick Tips for Taking Care of Them

Often, hair extensions which are completely in need of a serious treatment are discarded, however, with some time and effort, even some of the most damaged hair extensions can become wearable once more. Whether your hair extensions are dry, knotty, matted, brittle or anything in between, all is not lost with appropriate treatment.
Some different factors can cause Hair Extensions to be dry and tangled?

They include:
*Poor quality hair
*Lack of natural oils
*Seawater exposure can damage hair extensions
*Hard water exposure can damage hair extensions by causing them to become discolored
*Sun exposure damages hair extensions by causing them to become brittle
*Chlorine exposure can also cause hair extensions to become unmanageable

All of the above-listed factors work in a way to impact on your hair which affects the hair quality.

If your hair extensions are looking tired, you can help bring them back to life with a few quick and easy steps.
To get your hair extensions back into tip-top condition, you’ll need to give them a trim. Just like your hair, hair extensions must regularly be trimmed to retain their quality.
Now that you’ve removed the oldest hair, you can begin the treatment processes. Allow the treatment to soak in overnight. When reviving your hair extensions, it is best to keep this treatment on for period
Wash your hair with your usual conditioner or shampoo. The treatment is usually lightweight and will wash out very smoothly. If you still believe as though there is some treatment remaining, you can shampoo twice. Your hair will now be softer, and easier to manage
Your hair extensions are now beautifully nourished, tangle free, and silky smooth.

Follow these quick tips to fix damaged hair extensions. This will make sure that you keep your hair moisturized, healthy, and shiny and if all that fails, it’s probably because you don’t have high-quality hair extensions. At Sleek’e, you can finally have fuller and longer hair extensions you’ve always dreamed of.

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