Halloween Hairstyle Tips: Do's and Dont's


Hey SLEEK'E babes! It's officially October which means it's time to start getting ready to bring our spooky ideas to life! The amount of Halloween hairstyles is infinite! We really can't wait to see what everyone is going to be this year, but first we are going to go over some important "Do's and Don'ts" when it comes to our amazing Halloween hairstyle that compliments our outfit:



- Avoid cheap alternatives such as temporary hair dye, wild color spray and box dye. These products can REALLY damage your hair in the long run :(

- Get extra creative with your hair style and complete it with a wig or hair extensions ;) You only get to do this once a year so why not go all out?

- Take your time washing out all products/materials used. Any left over residue can build up into bacteria, ew!

- Use heat a protector. If styling your hair with hot tools, always use a serum to protect your hair from heat damage. Think about it, adding color, heat and etc all at once may be too much for your locks to handle in one night. Be mindful! 


- Go to bed without washing off ALL products. Remember, take your time.

- Make crazy permanent changes just for one night - at least think this through carefully!

-  Experiment with products that aren't meant for hair. 

- Spray products too close -  When applying any type of spray make sure to apply from a distance so it has the ability to spread out evenly.

We hope these tips help perfect your spooky hairdo! We can't wait to see what beautiful styles will come to life :) Until next time!


-SLEEK'E Hair 

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