Self Care Holiday Gift Guide - 15 Gift Ideas All Under $30

Hey babes!
With Christmas around the corner we decided to assist everyone with their last minute Christmas shopping. Here are some super cute ideas all under $30. We even created some holiday packages - each containing 3 gifts still totaling under $30. The best part is, it's all about self care ;)
Let's begin! Shall we?


Gift #1:
Sleeping Mask - $6.68 (Pack of 2)
Total: $28.63
Gift #2
Total: $26.99
Gift #3
Total: $27.70
Gift #4
Total: 20.95


Gift #5
TIP: Apply castor oil overnight and
sleep with one of our Microfiber
Hair Towels to promote hair growth!
Wash off in the morning :)
Total: $26.58
Happy holidays!


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